
Robber Caught on Camera

Shamelessly and hurriedly, she robbed.  

She crammed three, four, five copies of books into a bag. It was a steal! She was rabid, uncontrollable.

The R.O.B. Us! (Raid Our Bookshop: Ultimate Sale) of OMF Lit had turned her into a ferocious ROBber.

You can't be giving your books away! she half-whispered to Gracia, the lady in charge of OMF Pergola. Gracia laughed heartily despite being slumped over the cash register for two hours straight, serving the mile-long queue of equally unrestrained ROBbers with bags brimming with books. 

There are actually several exciting sale permutations in celebration of OMF Lit's 55th anniversary this year.

The sale is ongoing till the 27th of June, but this blog is about that one single day before the official sale began. That was the day one woman turned into a big-time robber. 

On OMF Lit's Facebook shout out, this woman had read that for only P550, she can stuff all the books she wants in a bag. That she did, ravenously—and she was caught on camera with her loot.

Here's more.

From all the receipts on that day, a winner will be chosen from each OMF Lit Bookshop branch for the “Most Stuffed Bag” and will be awarded a prize by end July. The prize? A special book pack!

Yes, in addition to all the ROBbed books, OMF Lit will give away more books!

This particular robber's receipt says she ROBbed a total of 29 books, with a whopping savings of P6,700! That's an average of P19 (!) per book.

I had to talk about me in the third person, and blur my face like they do on TV when they present cons, because I am now suffering from guilt pangs for being such an insatiable ROBber and for being slapped with an incredible discount.

What is it about the printed page that makes book lovers become book ROBbers? Not a book, nor a book series, can answer that question adequately.

So let me answer it with one word, “Because!”

Turning book readers into book ROBbers on sale days helps OMF Lit fulfill its desire to disseminate as many Christian books (short of giving them away) as it could to readers in every part of the country.

But if truth be told, the volume of books that are pushed out on said days cannot begin to match the volume of God's grace that has yet to be written, shared, ROBbed, read, and  believed. 

Meanwhile, you still have a chance to ROB until June 27.


  1. Confessions of a booklover-turned-bookROBber! :) This post is fun! Glad you enjoyed the stuffing, Ate Grace. I get excited thinking how God will use the "stolen" books to redeem many, many lives.

  2. Unbelievable! You should have seen the bedlam. It was like the shop was raided by several groups of "notorious gangs." Stocks of books gone in minutes. LOL. Good job, Aleks!

  3. I missed that! What loot, haha!

  4. You would have lost your mind! I did.
