
World Teachers' Day 2012

"Teachers… ultimately determine our collective ability to innovate, to invent, to find solutions for tomorrow. Nothing will ever replace a good teacher. Nothing is more important than supporting them.” Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director General

World Teachers’ Day is held on October 5 every year to celebrate the role of teachers in providing quality education at all levels. From the UNESCO website, “. . . it also commemorates the anniversary of the 1966 signature of the UNESCO/ILO Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers.”
How nice that this day does not discriminate between full-time educators and teachers who, like me, teach part-time—twice a weekday and once on Sabbath (Sunday School)!  It was as much my day, too.

Flashed on the big screen in my classroom was this UNESCO poster: 
Then during my break time I got this:

So up to the president's office I went and got treated to coffee and cake:

Getting back to the classroom, I received a cupcake (which I shot with my low-tech phone, and can't download or upload because of my low-tech brain) with warm greetings from some of my students:

 And when I got home, on my FB wall were more greetings from more students!

O for overwhelming grace for one teacher's day at work.   

To my cyber friends reading this post, please take a stand for teachers. At least once in the life of anyone, he or she has been inordinately blessed through a teacher.


  1. Being a teacher makes me human. I feel that it gives me the chance to love sincerely without expecting anything in return. You share our knowledge and learn at the same time. It opens us to the many possibilities and opportunities, and at the end of the day, we hold less in our hands but most in our hearts.

    No wonder, being a teacher is a grace in itself.

    Happy Mentor's Day, Madam Grace. Not only do we share the same passion, but we also share the same advocacy. That makes me even more proud to be a teacher, a profession where our hearts belong. =)

  2. From one teacher to another--CHEERS!

  3. Got a heart-warming message from Carla. Enough to make my day.

  4. Carla is one sweet lady, indeed! She now tutors in SFU.
