
A Dog's Love: The Second Time Around

When Attorney, our dog, was put to sleep by the Vet a month ago, we didn't give ourselves a period of mourning.

Illness came to her early (she was four years old) and she wasn't able to cross the critical line between life and death. But she brought us joy all those years and guarded our house fiercely from intruders. 

Losing a dog that loved unselfishly can be depressing, and the sooner you get out of the moping stage, the better.

Immediately, we looked around for one to fill the void left by Attorney and it came in a beautiful package that looks so similar to Attorney when she was that age.

The decision, therefore, to name her Attorney came from the real attorney in the house, JR, who was the late Attorney's real master. He said it was the most logical thing to do—and the wisest one, too.

So although Attorney (the first) is gone, another Attorney (the second) has come to love us and whom we will love in return.

Meet the new member of our household, Attorney II—another grace delivered at our doorstep.


  1. I was touched by your post. We recently lost our beloved aspin, and we haven't really mourned the loss.

    I love your dogs' names!

    Btw, I'm one of your readers. I have 2 copies of your books.


  2. We actually miss our first Attorney a lot. But the this second one is quite a bundle so she's keeping us busy and happy.

    Thank you for taking time to read my blogs and books, Connie. Really appreciate it. God bless you.

  3. Attorney Jr! Cute! But İ admire from a distance. Takot sa kagat, haha; we're a family scared of dogs.

  4. Awww, Yay, Attorney II is harmless! He simply likes to play with slippers. So I put up my slippered feet when I do the crosswords in the terrace.:D
