
Last Song Syndrome

Insomnia was a malady I couldn't understand. I had absolutely no idea about tossing and turning in bed. 

I could sleep through any crisis, sleep with my eyes half open, sleep sitting down, and sleep standing up. All I needed was something to rest my head on and I would dream on. In fact, I often blogged and bragged about it.

Not anymore. I have been having bouts of occasional and intermittent insomnia. I wake up at all odd hours—12 midnight, 2 or 3 AM to go to the bathroom—and can't go back to sleep for an hour or two,  even if I sang myself a lullaby.

So I sing this song (not too loud, or the husband would kill me) instead—before, during, and after going to sleep, like an LSS:  

“When I'm worried and I can't sleep
I count my blessings instead of sheep
And I fall asleep counting my blessings.
“No LSS can cure the sleep patterns of the aging,” one of my friends, who is suffering from the same problem, said. “We just have to get used to it.”

I researched this issue and I am more confused than ever. Medical studies show so many reasons for “sleep awakenings.” I can't pinpoint which ones are mine.

And so I sing my LSS and count my blessings—as you and I know, this can take forever. In the beginning of my sleeplessness, I got terribly frustrated. But now I simply go to bed early, too early, to make up for the hours I am up singing my LSS and counting my blessings.

Grace comes around to refresh me in the morning. And I count that as another blessing.  


  1. Jet lag makes me sleepy during the day, so I just sleep on. This very moment, I'm typing at 4:27am and am just fine with it. Momentary fluid schedules are great, to make one's body cope. But what matters is the the rest we find in God. Jet lag or no jet lag, we can rest.

  2. Vie Lising-Velasco11/9/12, 9:38 AM

    Hi Ms. Grace! One billboard says,"When you can't sleep, don't count sheep. Talk to the Shepherd." It's great to sing, too! Rest well. ;)

  3. Take all the rest you can, Yay. Sleep is something I can only dream of these days. What a blessing that true rest is really in Jesus.

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  5. Hi, Vie,

    Oh, yeah, I've seen that billboard! Thanks for reminding me; I'll do just that tonight. Blessings.
