
Six Years Is a Long time

Consider the following numbers:

• 2,191 days
• 189,302,400 seconds
• 3,155,040 minutes
• 52,584 hours
• 313 weeks

They define six years. Proudly, I like to think I own them because they show how long Leaves of Grace has been in cyberburbia. Tomorrow I complete my sixth year! I am blogging about it today because I am following my regular blog rhythm.

My old header comes down:
My new header goes up:
There are other numbers that come after the above numbers. You may skip them; I am recording them only to keep track of where I am this year, compared to last year:

151,000 hits (from 111,000)
171 countries (from 154)
614 posts (from 506)
120 followers (from 98)
2037 comments (from 1530)
7 change of headers (from a total of 19)

My numbers increased bountifully and so did grace. Thank you, Lord.

“Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy.” (Psalm 100:1-2)


  1. Wow, you've been so faithful writing your blog, it's been one inspiration after another. Keep writing and keep encouraging! You've been faithful with what the Lord has given you!

  2. Blogging has been therapeutic for me. I like to blog especially after a long, tiring day. Thank you for for being a faithful reader!

  3. Gracebark! Love it, cuz. Congratulations, and keep them coming!

  4. Adrian says he loves your new header!

  5. Hi, Cuz! Am glad the kids spent thanksgiving Day with you and Eb-eb (and I suppose some of the other Pat sub-clan members). Thank you for being their first family away from home.

    Adrian seems to know photography now! I took the pix of my header myself in Tagaytay. Hope we could go there again when you come next year.
