
Cockroaches and Motorcycles

Cockroaches. That's the only image I can summon to describe the motorcycles on the road.

The above photo is kinda gross I know, but I needed to upload it to get the point off my chest and join the crusade in abating road deaths.

Like these cockroaches, motorcycles are all over, darting here, there and everywhere. If you want to be stressed, just get on a vehicle and observe them (if you are a passenger, that is; if you are driving, have a third or fourth eye—and a reservoir of patience—to avoid being needled by them).

Cockroaches are classified as pest insects. And worse, even after the whole of mankind shall have been annihilated by nuclear explosions, these pests will still be around. They can survive any lethal poison.

Motorcycles are the new “pests,” with traffic rules all their own. Mention the word “motorcycle” to any four-wheel driver and you'll know what I mean.

Cockroaches are speedy. They move 12 feet per second and faster when you turn on the light. Motorcycles can break all kph records! The have to be the fastest and eeliest (I invented that word especially for them) daredevils known to man.

Where did they come from?

One day, we all woke up to roads infested with motorcycles. They are wherever you turn—scampering, scurrying, zooming between the teeniest of spaces between vehicles. When traffic signs stall cars, trucks, and buses, the motorcycles just keep going, zig-zagging through every crack and crevice.

We need sobering grace to keep us from fuming.  

The Philippine National Police (PNP) has expressed alarm over the rising number of motorcycles accidents around the country—majority them due to reckless driving. It was reported by PNP (ABS-CBN News) that a highway in Malolos, Bulacan has earned the name "killer highway" because of an average of one death in a motorcycle accident per day!

There are about 7,000 motorcycle units sold per week in the country today, with 3.6 million registered motorcycles. The numbers continue to increase.

Drivers of four-wheel vehicles are warned: make sure you maintain adequate distance when driving alongside motorcycles, to anticipate their quick and sudden movements.

If we want to save God-given lives, we badly need safe-driving seminars for these road stuntmen or cockroaches, not tomorrow, not next week—now. They need one before they are even given a license to ride their two-wheel killers.



  1. Oh God help us if we should have any more motorcyles on the road! Two people very dear to me lost their loved ones in motorcycle incidents. Tragic! And it could so eeeassily happen, in a snap!

  2. They have traffic rules all their own. They don't observe red or orange lights, or any road courtesy for that matter! Sigh.
