
Crossing the Street

One of life's most difficult endeavors is crossing a street in Metro Manila. Vehicles don't stop for hapless pedestrians.

Traffic signs seem more like suggestions than regulations.  To cross successfully without minor mishaps (sudden skipping of heart, stubbing a toe, straining a leg muscle, and holding one's breath) is a prized achievement, not unlike completing an obstacle race or getting out of a maze after hours of dead ends.

My one wish, which will never be fulfilled in my lifetime, is to be exempted from ever crossing a street.  But truth is, an ordinary mortal with no access to private transportation every single day needs to cross a few.

There was that one day which I keep wishing would come again:

I was all set to cross: bag clutched and strap positioned over the shoulder, shoelaces tied, eyeglasses in place, ears perked-up for motorcycle noise, and mind psyched-up for a death-defying stunt.

Just before I could take my first step, a hand gasped my arm tightly and onto my ear I heard a voice, “Are you crossing the street? Please, let me cross with you.”

I looked at the source of the voice. It was a gray-haired woman, older than I am—by maybe a day or two. She gave me that panicky half smile which mirrored me.

A dozen earthquakes couldn't have shaken her off my arm. She hung on to me like ten leeches in one.

Suddenly, we both heard a loud whistle. And all the vehicles stopped, reminiscent of the parting of the red sea. I saw Moses dressed like a barangay tanod  (neighborhood watchman) who hurriedly came to us, guiding us through the pedestrian lane.

In seconds we were across the street, unscathed.

I was ready to bow at his feet but he disappeared in the crowd. The leech of a woman freed me, heaved a big sigh of relief, and grinned, “Thank you.” Then she, too, disappeared in the crowd.

Pure grace. 


  1. Barangay tanods, bless their hearts! God's angels in uniform looking out for crossing-challenged lolas like us.

  2. I have been spared from crossing the street this term. No SFU, no crossings. LOL
