

On TV last week, I watched a show that featured same-sex pairs who looked very much alike but who, in reality, are not twins.

Unbelievable. As each pair talked to the camera, I looked at their individual features—eyes, nose, lips, shape of face, hair—and they were the same. If you saw them in person, you'd say, “Twins!”

They are not. They are not even remotely related to each other; they just happen to look so similar. 

Is this possible?

A Canadian photographer named Francois Brunelle has made it his challenge and project looking for people who look alike.

Since the year 2000, Brunelle has been taking photos of look-alike pairs for his book entitled “I am not a Look-Alike!” This features portraits of around 200 pairs of people who resemble each other so much that they seem like identical twins. Even their close friends and relatives would have a hard time telling them apart.

The book will be released this year. 

Somewhere over yonder, there may be a stranger who looks like you. Well, sometimes people tell me, “Your face looks so familiar!”

If you think this is spooky, how about those who have more than one look-alike, like so:

From left: Fr. Joaquin Bernas, Pope Francis I, and Actor Jonathan Pryce
Since the new Pope's face has been on all media, many people have exclaimed, “He looks like_____!  And all the look-alike photos have started to appear on FB.

We do have people who look like us somewhere in the world, but as you and I know, we are all individually one-of-a-kind. No two people have been created exactly alike, not even identical twins. On bad-hair days, we don't even look like ourselves!

In the same manner, there is grace and there is grace. But what remains a mystery is that some—even in one household, among siblings, between look-alikes or identical twins—still refuse to accept why it has been offered at the cross by the Son of God, who so love us He became flesh, then suffered and died for everyone.

The Bible cannot be any clearer, “For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.” John 1:16 (NASB)  


  1. That's because we all come from the same gene pool, and it traces back to the Maker!

  2. No wonder we see Jesus in the good and kind people we meet!
