
The Naked Cross

In Bible times, execution on the cross was the cruelest, most unforgettable way to punish the worst criminalstotally humiliating and dehumanizing.

And yet, Jesus chose the cross to redeem us from the mire of sin. Galatians 3:13(ESV), “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, 'Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree' . . .”

“From this cross He would rob hell and populate heaven,” wrote Joseph Chambers, a preacher. 

When they nailed Christ to His tree, there came an earthquake and as the Roman Army watched in fear, they could not help but proclaim, "Truly this must have been the Son of God."

What differentiates the cross of all criminals from the cross of Christ was that the Man who was nailed and bled there rose and ascended to heaven. 

That's why the most graphic symbol of Jesus, our risen Lord, is the naked cross, which followers of Jesus celebrate on Easter.

The cross of Jesus united the Old and the New Testaments in redemption, took the sting off death, paid the price of man's sins first committed at the Garden of Eden, and guaranteed man's salvation from the ravages of sin—towards eternal life with Him.  

While adults look to the naked cross, children look for eggs, probably the most iconic symbol of new life or re-birth that Easter is. The egg is a part of celebrations for the coming of Spring—a time for planting and new life, of resurrection.

I grabbed this photo of my grandson Adrian from FB (c/o his mom), showing us how eggs are hatched into life. This adorable five-year-old is one of thousands of children the world over who celebrate Easter by going egg hunting.  

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26  (NASB)

Happy Easter everyone!

Photo credits: www.smscs.com and Gianina Chong


  1. Adrian's so big! And he's roosting on the eggs, haha. Anyway, thanks for the reminder that the cross is not a fashion statement but a faith statement. I pray all those who wear them believe in the power of the one who hang there.

  2. Hope Adrian can make it in November, as planned.
