
A Plea for PWD

It must have been something I ate which rendered my total being totally useless in the last two days. I was a Person With Disability (PWD). 

I missed an important event that I looked forward to for one whole year (gown all pressed), missed writing my column for a magazine, missed reading my daily Bible, missed my appetite, missed my computer, and missed my humor.

There was this constant sick feeling at the gate of my tummy, aggravated when I so much as moved vertically. So I had to lie flat, except for those hurried trips to and from the bathroom. Only by grace, sent through a kindly doctor name Perry, a solicitous Ate Vi, and a supportive family, was I able to pull through this energy-sapping ailment perilously close to life-threatening dehydration.

While nursing all my discomforts in bed, I thought of the approximately 10 million PWDs in the country today. Their difficulties extend beyond two days—they are yoked to them everyday of their lives, from the time they rise from bed to the time they turn in.    

This marginalized sector is seeking a voice in the house of representatives as a Party List. You must know at least one PWD in your family or circle of friends. Or you might have been incapacitated by an illness or a malady at some point in your lives. So you know how it feels to do what you want to do but can't.
By voting in the PWD Party List and by giving them a place in the house of representatives, we are helping them more than we ever could in our individual capacity. 

Their collective voice can help us understand their plight better and what we can do to make life a little less difficult for them.

When you go to the voting polls on May 13, please remember the impaired—sight, hearing, speech, muscle—the wheelchair-bound, and all the other PWDs who do not possess the full faculties that we able-bodied people have.



  1. Get well; and may PWDs get their rightful share of life-easing benefits with voters voting for their representatitves this election.

  2. This post is my first productive deed in three days. thank you, Lord, for healing.
