
Breakfast Eggs

Whatever Ate Vi serves on the breakfast table, I eat.

But my boys are different. They are all good cooks, so they relish cooking their own breakfast. Sometimes Tony makes a Spanish omelet; sometimes son #1 prepares pancakes; sometimes son #3 does French toast or a new concoction of last night's leftovers. All dishes are always well presented (like those I see on TV) on each of their plates. 

Two days ago, Tony wanted a fried egg and proceeded to crush tons of garlic to fry it with. What do you know, he got an egg with twin yolks. “The first time in my cooking life to encounter such a thing!” he cried.    
We crowded around the pan and oohed and aahed over this twin grace.  

Just this morning, son #1 fries his own breakfast egg in his own style, too, and gets another twin yolks! Again, we all crowd around the pan and ooh and aah once more.

I can't imagine how we'll react when we see an egg with three yolks, such as this:     
 Or an egg with multiple yolks:

(The most number of yolks ever found in a single chicken egg was nine!) 

See, it takes so little to make our morning happy.

Have a blessed, happy morning, everyone!

Credits: triple yolks; multiple yolks  


  1. Beautiful multi-yolk eggs, garlic and peace and quiet even as you chatter. That is the life! Grace!

  2. And without me having to be in the kitchen. Hahaha! That's the life indeed!
