

Conceit has reigned within mortals, past or present. We have developed excessive belief in ourselves because of our abilities or riches or achievements or fame.

Today, the thinking, “Believe in yourself” is a campaign, or maybe even an ideology, to raise one's self-esteem, which is seen to have paramount importance in building a person's confidence.

We live in a complicated, competitive world so we do need to highlight how much we have done. Eventually, our own mind leads us to conclude that we are a legend, a head above others. 

In my business writing class, I advocate writing resumes tailor-fitted to a company's  business or requirements. “Highlight your strengths,” I advise my students. “Downplay your weaknesses.”

Resumes are important in the business jungle. They can determine the attention or salary we receive; they are used to introduce us when we get invited to speak or do something for a certain group. They show our worth. 

Well, resumes, per se, are harmless.

It is when we begin to believe everything in the sheet(s) of paper—how we accomplished them through our own effort—that conceit lodges in our head and swells.  

Conceit brought to successive ruin many kings in the Old Testament, beginning with the very first one, Saul. Even wise Solomon was not spared.

It is my belief that no success in life can happen unless we are enabled by our Creator. Every talent, knowledge, wisdom, strength, and smarts stem from His grace.

The president of Compassion International, Dr. Kenneth “Wess” Stafford, has a string of degrees to his name and has the distinction of leading the biggest child advocacy Christian organization in the world. Yet he replies only to the name “Wess” among the people at Compassion—from the Country Director down to the messenger. He refuses to be called Dr. or Sir or Mr. President. His lack of conceit makes him render everything he has been gifted with, not for his own glory, but for the Giver's alone.   

It is only by appreciating the goodness and generosity of God, the One who dispenses talents, can suck out conceit from our system. 

Jeremiah 9:23 reminds us, “This is what the Lord says: 'Don’t let the wise boast in their wisdom, or the powerful boast in their power, or the rich boast in their riches.'” (NLT)

Image credit: http://grewordlist.files.wordpress.com


  1. Conceit is so easy to kindle with just a little nudge, rsomeone saying, "Ay ang galing mo naman!" Ah Lord, have mercy on his clump of conçeited dust.

  2. "You are my favorite author!" pushes one quickly into the mire of conceit. Mercy indeed is what we need not to succumb to temptation.
