
My Happy Place

It's that time of the year again!

That happy time when I go to my other happy place, the Manila International Book Fair (MIBF), where grace awaits and abounds in every booth. 
Too many books, seminars, book talks, book launches and too little time. Just five short days, September 11 to 15 at the SMX MOA, from 10 AM to 8 PM.

This is when one's face is mirrored in every other book lover's face—that look of exhilaration, excitement, and everything that approximates euphoria.

This is when I can finally touch and caress, literary, for the first time, in printed form, the products of my absorption for the past year.  

This is when I can come face-to face and hobnob with readers who want their copies signed.

This is when I leave another happy place (my writing room) to indulge myself (only as far as my budget allows) in shopping for books, and having them signed by the authors, at dirt-cheap prices. 

Come, join us, and feel the beat of a happy place! 

Here are my five books that made it—rather, printed just in time—to the Book Fair this year. 
Note to self as I continue to enjoy writing about His grace:

“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;” Colossians 3:23 (KJV)

Photo credit: sumthinblue.com

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