
Borrowed Time

Of all days, my computer died on me on Christmas day. It's the worst thing that can happen to a writer whose lifework is in it—and who has a deadline to meet. 

It started ailing on Christmas eve, but my son JC worked his magic and it was healthy again. 

"It's living on borrowed time, mom," he warned while saving the files he could retrieve in an external drive.

Well, it didn't languish much longer. At 2:00 AM, just after the family dinner and exchange of gifts, the borrowed time ended. 

In memoriam: Goodbye Blackie, it had been a good four years
I moped, regretting why I turned it on when I should have gone to bed instead. But maybe the timing was right. It was Christmas day after all, and I needed time to reflect on the grand birth, and bond with family, not with my computer. Tony bought a huge pizza to cheer me up. 

After downing the pizza and some time to psyche myself up that I had lost some files, I thought deeply about borrowed time.

Like my computer, we are all living on borrowed time. As sinners, we ought to be spiritually dead. But the God of grace came on Christmas so we can have a chance to live, if we choose to believe in Him.

As for physical death, it can happen anytime. Some may have time to save their files—those who linger on their sick beds—but others don't. A road accident, a massive heart attack, or a natural disaster and pffft.

Where to next?

Jesus assures us where to go. He became our surrogate selves and  took all sins in our behalf. By accepting him as our Savior, we will know exactly what will happen when our borrowed time on earth is up.

New life forever with Jesus—that's where to.

"Just as everyone dies because we all belong to Adam, everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life." 1 Corinthians 15:22 (NLT)

1 comment:

  1. So true! We only have now. That I may do His will in this NOW.
