

Why do we cling to our loved ones—playing blind to their suffering? Do we really want a long life spent in bed, with every faculty and sense gone, except pain?

Does this story sound familiar?

The old lady, 98, had been ailing in bed for years. But one of her daughters, Mila, who was the full-time caregiver, kept crying out, “Mom, don’t go, don’t leave me!”

Ate Mila, Mom has been in great pain,” her brother said. “And here you are thinking about yourself, not about her.”


“Do you want Mom to be immortal just for you?” he replied, teasing her. 

Sometimes, when we have ailing loved ones, we focus on ourselves not on them—especially if healing does not happen. May we learn to entrust their condition to God, and concentrate on how we can give them all the comfort to ease their pain. 

When Jesus comes again, we need not worry about sickness and pain. “He will take these weak mortal bodies of ours and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same mighty power that he will use to conquer everything, everywhere.” Philippians 3:21

Lord I pray for my loved ones who are ailing. Please ease their pain; comfort their caregivers as well. Make them feel you are there for them.  Amen.  

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