
The Big C

“Peripatetic” is the most apt word I could find to describe the big C. It goes everywhere, it is always there.

It was there in my dad’s last four years; it was in my late friends’ death beds—Mila, Sonia, Brenda, Amar, etc.; it was with Tony 20 years ago; it was with my friend Lucy and others before they went into remission; it is there, right now, in many others’ lives.

And now it is with my friend Dolly, who just went through her third set of chemo. It is our ardent collective prayer that the peripatetic unwanted guest leave her soon.

To keep the big C away, patients need loads and loads of money for medical expenses.

This prompted a concerned friend of Dolly’s to post this message and photo on FB:

“I am helping a friend in her expensive fight against the big C. Join me—order some of her baked, yummy goodies. Bulk orders can be arranged for delivery. You can call or text my friend directly . .
Kith and kin, other friends who love Dolly, and FB netizens responded and ordered sweets for Christmas from one of the sweetest friends I have ever known.

May God’s healing grace be upon those afflicted with this dreaded disease.

Get well soon, sweet Dolly.

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