
Listen to the Wind

If you want to hear God’s voice, listen to the wind . . . 

I hear it especially when I am hurting, when I need His grace of comfort. As I take my early morning walks and talk to Him, the breeze surrounds me. It is so refreshing it’s like being embraced by God.

These words come to me unbidden, “Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.” (Psalms 55:22 NLT)

Comfort comes.     

A friend recently wrote on FB that she was diagnosed with cancer. I posted this message: Listen to the wind. God’s comforting voice resides there.

Her response days later was so beautiful and spoke to me in a special way:  

Yesterday I sat under a bamboo tree . . . suddenly, the tree swayed and there was a gentle wind. God was there present and I remember what you told me before mastectomy: listen to the wind. Birds started to fly overhead—there were so many of them! They started singing in different pitches, rhythms, and tones. I was so delighted I recorded it on video.  God is awesome, He comforted me!

God’ voice resides in the wind.

Photo credit

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