
A Glorious Sunday

“He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay." (Matthew 28:6 KJV)

Because Jesus conquered death, those who accept Him in their heart and have faith in Him will also conquer death.

Not one of those who believe in the risen Lord will remain in the grave. We, too, will rise.

Grace, not grave.  Hallelujah!

It's a day we ought to celebrate. My old header comes down.
My new one, from our painting session in church after the Easter service on the theme “A Glorious Sunday,” goes up.

Happy Resurrection Day everyone!
Photo credit: Empty tomb

1 comment:

  1. Because He lives, we live... and enjoy life... and learn how to paint! That's such a great idea for ministry time with young people or ladies.
