
Baggy Pants

Just as the fashion world is into tight-hugging trousers, my roommate went in search of baggy pants.

The trouble with fashion trends is that shops carry only them and junk everything else. No clothing store—not one that Tony has doggedly trekked to in the last two months—carries baggy pants anymore.

“How can they stop making comfy pants?!” I think he might have been asking himself, loathe to wearing anything that hugs skin. “They’re the most comfortable apparel next to pajamas!”  He didn’t say those either, well, not aloud for any ear to hear.     

Then yesterday in a mall, while walking through the men’s section on our way home, he cried, “Eureka!”  Again, I actually didn't hear a peep, but that was what he might have exclaimed when he asked me, “We are in no hurry, are we?”

Next thing I knew, he asked the salesgirl for a pair in his size for fitting.

Naturally, it fitted him to a tee. The price was a bit steep, but he ordered them in all colors! Unfortunately, the shop had only two available, in similar colors. He took them both anyway and is now one very happy, two-new-baggy-pants owner.

Okay, that’s according to me, despite the impassive demeanor he demonstrates through his long treasure-hunt sojourn. It's because I yield to fashion trends, discomfort notwithstanding; he defies them (abhors them even), comfort is everything.     

As I was leafing through the dailies this morning, muttering to myself, Baggy pants are so passe, I read in the fashion section, “Baggy pants are coming back!”

Life indeed is full of grace. 

Now, mulling over my husband’s counter-trend attitude, I wish all Christians would likewise be adamant about following world trends when it comes to their faith.

Jesus said to His disciples,  "If  you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.”  John 15:19 (NKJV)  


  1. Hahaha! A baggy pants fanatic. And ordering them yet in all colora. How fanatic is that. Yes, adamant is what we need to be when it comes to following the truth, and our fashion leanings.

  2. Yay, admit it, you caved in to stiletto heels at some point in your young life. We all did, didn't we? Hahaha!

  3. Haha! Guilty as charged. And I wore micro minis. Unimaginable! Scandalous! My Lola ran after me to pinnch me like I was some pervert. Now it's in the open. Lagot!

  4. Haha! Guilty as charged. And I wore micro minis. Unimaginable! Scandalous! My Lola ran after me to pinnch me like I was some pervert. Now it's in the open. Lagot!
