
Dear Father

Father’s Day is as much about You as it is about my earthly father. Everything I know about You and Your grace I first learned from him.

You guided my dad as he instilled wisdom in me. Through him, I felt Your love every day while growing up. Through him, I know all about Your promise never to leave me. 
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for sending Your only Son so that my dad and I can have the gift of salvation.

On Father’s Day, I want to thank You for giving me a father from whom I have witnessed how love can be passed on.

Someday, when I become a father myself, I pray that my children will see You in me—that I am there for them as You are with me.

(Every son/would-be father who feels the same way)

(This post is the first in a series of blogs leading to Father's Day in gratitude to our heavenly Father for the grace of dads in our midst.) 

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