
Five-star Dad

Here is a letter a father received from one of his children. He keeps this in a special place in his heart, treasuring it more than anything he ever owned.

Hi, Dad!

How do I love thee? Let me count the stars. You’re a five-star dad! Thank you for the five important stars you bequeathed to me, now shining brightly to light my way . . .   

1.    The star of priority – to love God more than anyone or anything  
2.    The star of a clean and unsullied life – to never let my guard down when temptations come 
3.    The star of courage – to make tough decisions and to stand up for what is right   
4.    The star of discernment – to choose with whom to hang out; and what new ideas to trash or treasure   
5.    The star of fortitude – to move on despite disappointments and difficulties     

I thank God that you are my father. On Father’s Day, dinner’s on me in a five-star hotel, no less. Would you be free? 

Larry (not his real name)

What a blessing to have a child like this. And what a father he has!

To all dads reading this, Happy Father’s Day! 

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”  Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV)

(This is the last in a series of  four blogs leading to Father's Day in gratitude to our heavenly Father for the grace of dads in our midst.)

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