

Every fraction of a millisecond, grace was palpably at work through my latest book, Grace@Work.  From the birth of the idea to the day the final cover was approved (below), nothing could have moved without grace.
Grace@work was initially conceived as a devotional for the workplace to uplift busy, stressed-out men and women—as I was for years—whose whole being is plugged to his/her work from sunrise to sundown (sometimes extending till dawn), like an overcharged mobile phone.

But as the book wrote itself, the issues extended beyond the workplace, too. After all, working people’s existence intertwines with the frenzied arena of daily living.

Writing a book, as all authors know, is a full-time, exacting craft.  

I don’t mean the body being tied to the computer 24/7. I mean heart and mind, through all waking hours (and sometimes, even sleeping hours), being wired in ideas, concepts, and words that dovetail with the Word, with what the Author of life has written in Scriptures.   

Sights and sounds compete to distract, and one can get easily sidetracked. So body and soul have to team-up to get it right. It is a formidable job; there are no short-cuts.

Grace@work, published by OMF Literature, spanned for me two school semesters, United Nations Day, the Halloween, Christmas, New Year, an emergency hospital confinement, a computer crash, a printer blast, brown-outs, typhoons, the dead heat of summer, and everything in between. 

Yet the joy of making it come through overwhelmed. "I burst out in songs of thanksgiving."* 

Against all odds, it will be launched at the 35th Manila International Book Fair in mid-September (17th to the 21st), SMX MOA, and I pray that everyone who'll read it, wherever he/she may be, will feel God’s grace at work.     

*“The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.” Psalm 28:7 (NLT)


  1. Cheers to the launching of "Grace at Work". I'm sure it will be a hit. So proud that I know you. Congratulations and keep body and soul in sync always to come up with such master pieces.

  2. Been working on this for sometime. Too many turbulence along the way, but it's finally here! Hope you can come to the book fair. You're a book lover so you'll enjoy the gazillions of books there, all at discounted prices!

    Thanks for the visit . . .
