
Double Delight, Year Five

Our twins, Maika and Nikka, are now as tall as I am. And they just turned 11!

They are not our own children, but the use of "our" seems right since we have been privileged to watch them grow up from age seven.  

They recently finished fifth grade, financed by a kind-hearted benefactor, who took on from where Tony and I (now both retired and therefore unable to afford the cost of education in a private school) left off

This same benefactor again volunteered to take them through sixth grade, the last level offered by the Christian school where they are enrolled.

During their Moving-up Ceremonies in March, Maika and Nikka got medals of recognition for good performance. They also participated in the school program (yellow arrows below).

Just last week, they finished the Daily Vacation Bible School in church, and I see them attending Sunday School. Our hope is that they continue to know more and more the Source of every grace through their teachers. It is also our prayer that their mom and siblings will meet and see Jesus through them.

When our third and youngest son graduated from Law school a few years back, Tony and I thought we had graduated, too. But life throws in surprises at every turn; we are moved to welcome them, making our twilight years more delightful—in this case, doubly delightful

Now, we have to see to buying two pairs of black pumps, two pairs of PE rubber shoes, some pairs of socks, two school bags, two umbrellas, and we’re ready to go for another school year!

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (ESV) 

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