
The Greatest Play Ever Written (1)

What delights me most about my chronological Bible (Christmas gift from JC) is that it is arranged like it were a play, beginning with Act 1, Scene 1.

It brings back memories of my years at the Art Institute of Chicago as a student in performing arts. It makes me look at each Bible persona as a character, with a role to play, no matter how small, that brings the story to the last act and finally, the ending.

All characters were written in by the Playwright to represent real-life characters relevant through all generations.

One of these characters is Korah.

I glossed over this obscure man in my regular Bible. But on stage, he comes on strong.

Korah was a rubble rouser, like the loud-voiced oppositionists who find everything wrong with their leaders in government.

Korah raised up a mob of Israelites to oppose Moses’ leadership—he questioned why Moses was God's only spokesperson.

Guess what happened next. God caused a massive but localized earthquake that caused Korah and his underlings to fall off from the face of the earth.   

“The earth opened its mouth and swallowed the men, along with their households and all their followers who were standing with them, and everything they owned.” Numbers 16:32 (NLT) 

This scenario won’t happen to the Korahs on earth today, but his is a hopeful story. It points us to the end of characters who oppose God's anointed.

If you were a play director, whom would you cast as Korah in this modern world?

Many come to mind. Just think of all the rebel leaders in countries that deposed their elected officers, or those who cry, "Impeach, impeach!" 

The intent of the master Playwright in including characters in cameo roles boggles the mind. He never missed out on details—those tiny touches that bring the epic play into our consciousness, relevant to the core.

Christians know the ending of this play. It is both tragic and triumphant. It’s tragic for those who don't believe in Christ as the only way to life everlasting.

It’s triumphant, ending happily ever after, for those who have accepted, and will accept, the grace of forgiveness from our Lord Jesus, and believe in Him as their Savior before they leave this earth or before He comes again. 

Note: This is the first in a series of eight posts on “The Greatest Play Ever Written.” 

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