
Delay: Bonus or Minus?


I heard my usually unperturbed husband exclaim on the phone. From his tone of voice, I knew right away it was bad news. Or was it?

Our travel agent called at noon saying that our flight to the US that night had been cancelled, and moved to the next day.

Prior to that fateful call, my stress level was almost at breaking point—getting things in order, leaving instructions to about six people, trying to meet a deadline set by my editor, fitting the kitchen sink into one luggage, making phone calls, checking papers, and everything else I wanted to finish before we left.

Tony was visibly disappointed, so was I. But another way of looking at a delayed flight is, you suddenly get extra time you never thought you had.

And that I had.

It all goes back to what I wrote in one of my books:

“There are always two sides to everything. Like a glass half-full or half-empty, we all see midnight through different eyes. Some see it as the end of day, some see it as the beginning.

“The blessing of being a writer is you teeter somewhere in between. God in his infinite wisdom allows you to take a peek at both, chronicling them without having to render judgment on anyone’s choices—and discovering how layered life can be.” 

So I teetered somewhere between bonus and minus.

In there was grace. 

1 comment:

  1. It's probably going to be a great reveal---our mouths wide upon in unbelief and thanksgiving---when we get to heaven one day and realize why God engineered all of those delays. They were for a reason and He knew why from the very start. That's how far His grace extends! Have a great vacation, you and Tony.
