
Three Crosses

Three crosses cast a shadow upon Calvary over 2,000 years ago.   

The middle cross was Christ's. On each side were two robbers. One thief chose to be with Jesus and went to Paradise; the other spurned Jesus and went to the fires of hell.

What a simple equation that helps us sort out the way we want to end—or never end—our life!

The robber who went to Paradise was a sinner, but died a saved sinner, ending his mortal life cleansed, in peace, and with a new heart because he was eternally forgiven.

The other robber, on the other hand, died with all his sins still in him, ending his mortal life with a heart full of anger and bitterness because he asked not for forgiveness.

In Jesus, there is no middle road on the highway to heaven. It's all or nothing. One either receives the free gift of salvation or rejects it.

We read in Matthew 27:38, “Then were there two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on the left.” 

The two crosses on either side of Jesus’ represent how humanity is divided by Christ. The cross on the right held the saved; the left held the lost.

But all three crosses represent God's grace. In the middle, Christ died for both the sinners. The same grace was offered to both—they had the same opportunity, but Jesus let them make a choice.

This month, as we approach the Holy Week that happily ends with the resurrection on Easter, I pray we make our choice for Christ.

To celebrate the triumph of Jesus' cross, I am changing my header. From this . . .  

to this:   
photo credit

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