
MIBF 2018 Second Day

Second days of book fairs are for taking it easy—leafing through more books, buying more, and sashaying in and out of booths while waiting for my late-hour book signing for No Means No: How to Drug-proof Your Child with Church Strengthening Ministry (CSM). 
My book shopping was done on the first day to free me from the crowd, exponentially growing daily.  Because it is an annual affair, the Manila International Book Fair (MIBF) is deluged with book monsters every September.

As in past book fairs, first days are slow—the best time to park yourself in whatever booth you fancy—then the crowd gradually swells to overflowing on the last day.

To beat the traffic I went to the venue early, and since I was blessed with a lot of time, I had spare hours to idle away. I met with old friends and signed more books sporadically. To lovers of the printed page, this is a place where grace is up for grabs.

I went home with bags of books and an empty pocket. Is there a better way to spend hard-earned money?       


  1. Empty pockets. Heart full. That's MIBF for you. Congrats, Grace. Your books are mentoring generations of readers.

  2. You would have enjoyed the MIBF, Yay. Kindred spirits were all over. Your books were all on display. What a happy place! I wished my right toes were a little more cooperative, though. Sigh.
