
Perry’s House (Again)

Nine years ago, I was invited to a party held at Perry’s house. An unforgettable event it was—not only for the fun I had with Tony’s friends, but for the joy of gaping and gasping over Perry’s overwhelming art collection. I was awestruck all night.

Writing about his house then was a struggle. It was difficult keeping my blog post within my self-imposed word count. Too many items to gush about!

Then last weekend, Tony said Perry was hosting a party at his house for his Rotary friends and, “Would you like to come along?”

Hah! Would I pass up the chance?!

I will skip speaking about the party and proceed to writing about his house (again!). It has changed from the last time I saw it—bigger with many more art things in it! A globetrotter, Perry has shipped home treasures from all over the world. My photos are just of the ground floor. I missed going up the 2nd and 3rd floors. 

What stunned me was an air conditioned room of chefs-d'oeuvre by Filipino master painters: Amorsolo, BenCab, Malang, Magsaysay-Ho, Manansala, HR Ocampo, Zalameda, etc. There were also prints of masterpieces carted from the Louvre. The cost of that room alone could easily translate to the price of a high-rise building. 
Totem poles, all sizes of sculptures in bronze, ceramic, terracotta, alabaster, marble, glass, etc. by famous names were strewn all over, some hanging from and sitting on exquisitely hand-carved walls and tables. Plus antiques galore! No space was spared, not even the ceiling. 
“Your house has changed from nine years ago,” I babbled.

“It changes every year,” he laughed. 

The house may have changed, but not Perry. He still is a gift of grace, with that huge tenor voice (he hired a jazz band) singing Broadway favorites that delight his audiences.

He still is a most sought-after neurologist as evidenced by hundreds of patients who fall in line and wait for hours to see him. I’d have gone to see him, too, for my errant toes, but his clinic is a five-hour drive away (or more with the horrific traffic) and my bladder can no longer bear the time frame.

Perry’s house is a museum-cum-art gallery extraordinaire—with a difference. The curator/owner has his heart in every exquisite piece.

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