
Online Grace (2): A Modern-day Gift

In my time, a college diploma cost parents an arm and a leg. Imagine what students spent for a four-year degree:

1. Dormitory cost (if you lived far from school)
2. Daily fare (if your home is just a ride or two away)
3. Allowance (food, school supplies, and books)
4. New clothes/uniforms
5. Tuition and miscellaneous fees 

That was before the advent of computer.

The modern age has dropped a gift onto our lap, literally.

Via a laptop, one can earn a degree right in the comfort of home—or any place where one takes his laptop—through Online Learning.

E-Learning eliminates the first four items in the list above. And it drastically reduces the cost of #5.

I have friends whose children have opted to take their college degrees online, not for economic reasons but to avoid modern-day problems outside the home: smog, traffic snarls, allergens, robbery, noise, accidents, etc. They claim that E-Learning is a modern-day gift and the greatest revolution in today’s education. 

I say it is online grace, a wise option, for this tech-savvy generation.


  1. The digital revolution has challenged pretty much everything in our lives. Education as we know it is radically changing. And you said it very well, Grace.

  2. Dear LGA,

    Thanks for the visit. Education has indeed come a long way! and I didn't think it would happen in my lifetime. Now I guess I've seen everything. LOL.
