
Sitting is the New Smoking

I was lying on my tummy at the doctor’s clinic when he pressed a spot on my back, close to my spine.

“Owie!” I cried. The pain was piercing. He pressed some more spots beside it and my “owies” came one after the other.

A specialist in Anthroposophical medicine, Dr. Br. was actually my court of last resort. After seeing three doctors for my stubborn—and therefore immobilized and aching—right toes, I made my last ditch effort.

Dr. Br. combines Eastern medical practices with his Western medicine education, which he finished at the University of the Philippines. His post medical trainings have included further study of integrative and preventive medicine. Today he lectures in various universities in the country.

Here’s how I found him.

My friend, Ggie, sometimes asks me to partner with her in doing advertising/ promotional materials for her clients. She does the art and throws the conceptual words for me to write. Dr. Br. was one such client, and while I was doing his brochures and other collaterals, I marveled at his vast experience in restorative medicine.

“Sitting is the new smoking,” he said while he pressed more sensitive points on my back.

“Well, being a writer, I sit for hours at my computer,” I said, “so do all the rest of humanity today with their gadgets. How could that compare with smoking?”

“Smoking causes many diseases, so does sitting,” he replied simply.

After a two-hour work-up, I felt so relaxed I could sleep for days.

And what about my errant toes days later? They’re still obstinate, grasping as much as they could when I walk.

So I mentioned this to a neurologist friend whom I bumped into in a party. He said, “Muscle spasm caused by a degenerating spine.”

“Why would my spine degenerate?” I asked incredulously.

“Grace, you’re a writer. How many hours a day do you spend sitting down?” Always tactful, he did not mention aging.

Sitting has caught up with me as I age. But there’s no way I can change that, unless I type while standing or walking.

So I lie in wait for more windfall of grace:

“I will be your God throughout your lifetime—until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you. “I will be your God throughout your lifetime—until your hair is white with age.” Isaiah 46:4

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