
Davids, the Underdogs

In four days, we will go to the polls and elect 12 senators, representatives, and all city-and-municipal-level officers.

For three years, our president, Rodrigo Roa Duterte, has practically hushed all opposition to his regime. Many editorials in media here and abroad say that this strongman has quickly managed to control all three branches of government: executive, legislative and judiciary.

He has also cowed the Catholic Church and has been deliberately crass behind the presidential seal—cursing, cracking lewd jokes, maligning women, threatening and harassing critics of his administration, accusing people minus due process, kowtowing to a foreign power, China, and worst, blaspheming the loving God of grace, Who allowed Himself to be nailed on the cross and die for me. This presidential  blustering has become the new normal, to the delight of his followers.

He is Goliath.

But there has been a birth of Davids, underdogs with nothing but a slingshot of principles. No stature, no money from our taxes, no power, no clout, and no fighting chance to slay the formidable giant.

OTSO DIRETSO (Straight Eight) they are called. Eight courageous, straight-shooting and hard-working professionals who have solid platforms, and if elected to the senate, will at least give our ailing democracy in this country a chance to survive via a dissenting voice in crafting self-serving laws.

The Davids are also the people who believe in them and are helping, minus the budget of Goliath, to craft the slingshot by hand, moving others to do the same:     

They have moved me. My conscience now dictates that four days from today, I should vote for OTSO DIRETSO—never mind if the giant is forbidding. 

Samira Gutoc, the lone woman in the OTSO DIRETSO team, messaged the president on stage and in interviews without batting an eyelash, “I am not afraid of you.”

Such is the guts of David, the underdog. 

Photo ctredits: Rappler, photo of candidates; others, from FB posts

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