
Corridor Conversations (1)

Our school corridors, all four of them, are where I say “hi” and “goodbye” to students. Once in a while, someone starts a conversation and I linger a little.

Student: Hi, Ms. Grace!

Me: Hi!

Student: I heard you publish books.

Me: No, I write books. I have a publisher, well, publishers actually.

Student: You see, I am a writer too and I want my book published soon. How do I go about it?

Me: Go to publishers’ websites and try to get to know their structure, find out what type of books they are inclined to publish. After you’ve chosen a particular publisher, download the book proposal form and fill it up—just follow the simple instructions.

Student: I want my book published not here, but abroad. I mean, internationally.

Me: Oh, in that case, try to look for an agent. He/she will do the ground work for you—scouting around and guiding you as you go along.

Student: I see.

Me: What is your book’s genre?

Student: Genre!? What’s that?

Me: Ooops, gotta go, I'm late for my class. Have a good day!

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