

To celebrate Women’s Month, March, my publisher OMFLIt, featured their women authors under the theme or hastag #UnstoppableWomen.
For the write-ups, they asked me two questions. The first was,  Name one woman who inspires you and why?

My reply:  My daughter-in-law, Gianina. Nothing could stop her (not a distinguished corporate career nor an MBA from Booth, University of Chicago) from deciding to take care of my grandson, Adrian, full time—a noble and courageous act that can unsettle many women, including me.

She was not a difficult choice, even among big-named, famous women who have left indelible marks in our history. In this modern, complicated world, I believe everything should go back to the basic unit of society,  the family.  If things do not start right, things will not end right either. Children are therefore every married woman's priority.  Any woman who recognizes this knows her purpose.

Alas, in my time, I did not recognize this. Shame on me. Back then, managing a household and a career seemed simple. There were less complications, no distractions such as technology, and nannies were aplenty. But in today's chaotic world, with indiscriminate landmines and traps of all kinds that lure and harm kids, a mother no longer has a better choice than staying home and arming her child to navigate his way through life.   

I salute all women who took the route Gianina did.   

The second question was, What makes a woman unstoppable? 

My reply:  Purpose. A woman who knows exactly who she is in Christ can—let me borrow this Biblical hyperbole on what faith, the size of a mustard seed can do—move mountains.

Matthew 17:20 NLT reads, "You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” 

From Him comes enabling grace so we could do what we were meant to do.

May I ask my women friends this same question: What makes you unstoppable?

1 comment:

  1. We salute all the amazing women who have shaped our lives so far.Sakit.info
