
Barrettes Are Back!

Barrettes are hair accessories that were in vogue when I was a little girl. My mom would always clip onto my hair a barrette that matched my dress.

Now they’re back! And I see them not just on little girls’ hair but on young ladies’, too. 

While in the mall one day, I saw beautiful ones in all shapes and colors displayed on a sale rack. I had in mind to buy a dozen, but got distracted by other items.   

That night, Ricky, a dear friend and former colleague—funny and religiously irreverent—in the workplace, posted on his FB wall in huge fonts: "Te, there is an age limit to barrettes!" (Te is short for Ate, an honorific for older women.)

I quickly typed in my reply, “Whew, am I glad I didn’t buy them.”

His comeback, “You’re just 35, aren’t you Grace?” 

Another friend replied, “Oh, no! I have so many of those. Should I just throw them away?”

His retort, “You’re a few years younger than Grace, keep them.”

Yet another friend wrote, “How about me? Am I beyond the age limit?”

His riposte: “The age limit is 95, you still have some years to go.”


Not only are barrettes back, the grace of kinship we enjoyed in the workplace is back as well. In fact, it visits me now and then as I approach my sunset years. I hope Ricky and the rest of the “smart alecks” keep it going. 

Barrettes may have an age limit, but friendship lives on, defying age.   


  1. They are also called "Dalagang Filipina" clips maybe because of the craze--dalagang filipina video going viral )

  2. I used to love them. Well, I love them still, but they are better on other girls' hair than mine. See you at the book fair in September?
