
R.I.P. Pinky

We had five and a half fruitful years, Pinky and I.  Together we travelled, rushed to beat deadlines, received both good news and bad news from the Internet, researched, prepared over a dozen syllabi, wrote over 500 blogs, and worked on eight books.

And now, Pinky, my tiny but trusty laptop, is gone.

Every year, son #1 (a techie and therefore my in-house IT) would tell me, “Looks like your laptop is still going strong. It’s over five years old.”

A blessing Pinky was.
My laptop Blackie lasted only three years. In essence, Pinky lasted almost twice longer.  Who was I to complain?

Two month’s ago, old Pinky’s screen was going, going—then totally gone.

But I was unperturbed. After all, I have a separate huge monitor. But I recently received invitations to conduct writing workshops—how would I  manage without Pinky's laptop screen? 

And finally on the 13th of July, Pinky signed off. While I was typing a sentence, it went blank. And then, zippo.

I panicked, not having saved almost two chapters of the book I am writing. I have the habit of saving, but somehow, I was on a roll the past month—just writing, writing, writing,  and doing nothing else. 

So when finally Pinky went into a coma, I cried aloud to the Lord, “Please, give me grace to retrieve my files.” I called up son #1 at work, narrating my problem.

“That’s it, you need to buy a new laptop.” Then he instructed me to take photos of the different parts of my big monitor, bottom and rear.  In my effort to take clear shots, I turned the monitor upside down.

Then, like a second coming—after I had taken the photos—Pinky came alive and stayed alive!  Immediately, I saved all my drafts into my external hard drive. After everything had been saved, Pinky shut off. Just like that. And it was gone for good.

Such is one of the miracles I experience when writing a book. Problems arise, but in time, the Lord solves them for me.

Believe in miracles. Believe in the Savior Who makes them happen. And someday, we will rest in eternal peace in His presence—computer glitches and anguish all gone. We’ll simply enjoy forever life with the Miracle Worker.

Meet Silvee, my new partner.

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