
2019 CSM Grand Book Launching: A Moving Moment

Once a year, on a Friday night, CSM (Church Strengthening Ministry) holds a grand book launching of their new releases at the Manila International Book Fair—on stage.

In the last five years, I have been privileged to go up that stage with the rest of the authors of these new titles.

This year (CSM's 30th anniversary), over a dozen titles were launched—among which was The Other Cheek in what seemed like an inviolable thanksgiving ritual, a holy tradition held dear through the years. As in previous launches, each author had three minutes to give an overview of his/her book. 
Then after the talkies, the authors were invited up the stage for the highlight of the evening—the unveiling of these new books. 

Aside from my joy over The Other Cheek, I was thrilled beyond telling to see Take Heart (a book by millennials for millennials, for which I wrote the Foreword) take flight. The young authors, with whom I shared a book table, were each in his/her element. For, after all, this is their first published book—and firsts are not only important milestones, they are a benchmark for excellence. 

As the authors were prayed over and our books offered to the Lord by a CSM officer, deep down in my heart I thanked Him for gifting me with the opportunity to share with readers how He lavishes love on people, circumstances, and me on this pilgrimage called life.  

It was moving moment. 

It moved both my inner and outer core to take bolder steps in echoing and emulating what Paul said, “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” Acts 20:24  (NIV)
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Post-event photos:


Vie Velasco said...

Congratulations, Ms. Grace! God is good!

Grace D. Chong said...

Thank you, Vie. I was sort of hoping I'd bump into you at the MIBF. Hope to meet you in person soon.