
Books in Waiting

The formal book launching of my book “The Other Cheek” wasn’t till 6 PM that Wednesday. But son #1 and his friend, both book worms, wanted to go to the MIBF early so they could scour the place. Due to the horrible traffic condition, which cannot guarantee arrival at any place on time, I decided to go with them.

Waiting for eight hours usually borders on obscene. But waiting surrounded by books is just a stone's throw away from heaven.

Now, how could I manage with my pesky right toes—those digits that have made walking difficult in the last two years? I hatched a seamless plan: walk slowly, park myself in every booth, take groufies with friends, and enjoy the books at every pit stop.

In a couple of hours, I had been able to breeze through all the books I bought. Then off to the food section. There I spent another couple of hours reading my purchases.

Then, with enough rest and a full tummy, I struggled to the second floor, where the children’s books were displayed. I found the Hiyas booth, where I was treated to a grace bonanza. Even without a scheduled book signing, I was happy to do just that. New friends (mostly kids with their moms), the staff of Hiyas and I whiled away the time by chatting about—what else, books! 
Before I knew it, it was time to change to my semi-formal attire for the CSM’s grand book launching at the theater area.

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