
A Different Birthday Celebration

This year I spent my birthday with about 50 grade school teachers from various private schools in Las Pinas.

No, I didn't throw a party, neither did they throw me one. We had a serious, although peppered with fun and laughter, seminar that I'd rather call learning session—both  for me and them.

I was tasked to speak on Effective Communication (verbal, non-verbal, and tacit). As an ice breaker whenever I get invited to speak, I asked questions and gave away some of my books as prices for the brave souls who came forward with witty answers.

What's great about having teachers as your audience is that they practice what they preach to their own students—listen and take down notes.

Their questions were challenging, the better for me to hone my own communication skills. And there were unexpected boons—like birthday grace suddenly dropped from above—about  why they enjoyed and learned from the talk.

In my excitement, I forgot to take photos of the affair. Thanks to Facebook, some of the attendees’ posts tagged me. 

Is there a better way to celebrate a milestone?

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