
Correct Me If I Am Wrnog

I was neck deep in writing my next book—a devotional (I will withhold announcing who the target reader is at the moment, as the book will not be launched till the Manila International Book Fair in September 2020). I was particularly crafting an entry on discipline, based on Proverbs 10:17.

And as grace is wont to come anytime, even when you don’t expect it, the doorbell rang. I had a package from Cebu, a Christmas gift from my friend, Steph.

I could not wait till Christmas day to open it, so I ripped the wrapper open and got the most pleasant surprise of my life! It is a creatively printed t-shirt with the same exact verse I was reflecting on.

Except that Steph’s tee was done in a fun, young, ingenious way. “Correct me if I am wrong” (originally an idiom that means being unsure) is how the young would say it when they graciously accept discipline.
This is how Proverbs 10:17 is written in my NLT Bible:

“People who accept discipline are on the pathway to life, but those who ignore correction will go astray.” 

My prayer is that the youth who will chance upon this t-shirt will accept the grace of discipline so that he/she/they will be on the pathway to life.


  1. Nice shirt and reflection Ms. Grace! I wonder where your friend Steph got the shirt, wanna have one too! Hehe Anyways, Happy New Year! I actually have your Grace at Work devo book as Christmas present from my workmate. I'm loving it! God bless!!

  2. Hello, Fahra G!

    Steph's friend makes the shirts and sells them in a Cebu shop. Thank you for reading the Grace at Work devo. Please extend my thanks to your workmate, as well, for giving the book as a Christmas present! Have a blessed 2020!
