
Pandemic of Questions

An unknown enemy, nicknamed by WHO as Covid-19, has come to assault, endanger, and inflict untold suffering upon humanity. It lurks stealthily and furtively in crevices, the air, and all possible surfaces and spaces. As of this writing, almost 400,000 people have died.

No one is spared in the world: black, white or in-between; infants, adults, or super seniors; very poor, middle poor/rich or filthy rich.

And so we are angry and distraught, asking skeptical questions.

Many have found grace to answer these questions on various platforms: social media, blogs, editorials, articles, interviews, etc. But the questions are asked over and over again.

To this end, OMF Lit took a step to help put people’s mind at rest: a FREE, downloadable e-book. (The printed edition will be available soon.) 

I was one of nine authors tapped to answer some of the questions. The other eight are:  

Bishop Efraim M. Tendero
Joyce Piap-Go
Jun Gonzaga
Nelson T. Dy
Nomer Bernardino
Nor Aquino-Gonzales
Ronald Molmisa
Rico Villanueva

On our knees, we prayed for  discernment and wisdom in writing answers, with the hope that we could offer our readers comfort and refreshment based on the Word. 

Download a copy and may you find in the book solace and consolation, even as we now live in a world we cannot control.    


  1. Kudos, Grace, for the grace to write and continue writing. You've remained faithful to your calling. Hugs.

  2. Hi, Yay! Actually, this is the best time to write for me. No distractions. Not allowed to go out. So, instead of twiddling my thumbs, I write. Also the perfect time or reading! Next week, I will try to paint. Hugs.
