
Extremely Low

Nothing could be lower than “extremely low” in research data or classifications. That’s as low as low can get. 

Unfortunately, during this pandemic, this has gone even lower.  Much lower. 

In Majar Mangahas’ (of SWS) Philippine Daily Inquirer column on 5 August, he wrote, “Our May and July numbers are so terrible that our old term of Extremely Low, for our old bottom category of -40 or worse, is woefully inadequate. Thus SWS has decided to designate the fixed range of -40 to -49 as Extremely Low, and create a new term, Catastrophic, for a new open-ended category of -50 or worse.” 

Catastrophic: a new, added term in research language.     

“In SWS July 3-6, 2020 Mobile Phone Survey, 79% of adult Filipinos felt they got worse off in the past 12 months.” 

That’s how 79% (an alarming percentage) of polled respondents replied to questions of hunger and hardship. It’s catastrophic in all parts of the country: National Capital Region (and the balance of Luzon), Visayas, and Mindanao.  

Yet, that’s not the pits yet. I dread to read about the results of the third quarter survey. 

Catastrophic is not only historic, it is heartbreaking. Are we, as a people, at the end of our rope? 

When hope seems gone among 76% of Filipinos, we can only turn to the One who is mightier than the Covid-19 and every calamity on earth. 

Although we continue to lament and cry over our pain and suffering, we must look forward to His grace of comfort and calmness. Pray with me?  

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, 
And in His word I do hope. 
My soul waits for the Lord 
More than those who watch for the morning—
Yes, more than those who watch for the morning.” 
(Psalm 130:5-6 NKJV) 

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