
Lost September

September is the month every writer I know looks forward to. 

This ninth month of the year holds two very important events: the Palanca Awards Night, where authors like me hobnob and celebrate with lovers of the printed word; and the Manila International Book Fair (MIBF), where my new books are launched, where I can buy all the books I saved for all year, and where I meet my readers up close.  

These two grace events are a dream, magical almost.  

September is all about excitement, joy, if not bliss. I spend all year wishing it would come sooner, counting the days when it will finally say, “I am here!” 

But this year 2020, September is lost somewhere. It didn’t come; it is nowhere to be found. 

No Palanca Awards Night, no MIBF. No September.  

In its place is the fear of being infected with the corona virus if we as much as left the safety of our home . . . 

In its place are terrifying photos on the Net of people suffering from lack of transportation and means to buy a decent meal for their families. . . 

In its place are rants on social media about an inept government . . . 

In its place are curses and fake news about how great the government is. . . 

In its place are requests for prayers for someone languishing in a hospital and needing blood to survive . . . . 

In its place are lawmakers whose eschewed priorities at this critical time of life and death can make ordinary citizens puke in disgust . . . 

I can't go on. My blood is curdling and my pulse is racing.  

Where are you?  

Will you ever come again? 

“Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God!” Psalm 43:5 (NLT)  

1 comment:

  1. The world as we know it has drastically changed. I wonder where we're all being led to. With man, it may be a disaster, but with God, the best is still to come. Jesus holds our lives at the palm of His mighty hand. Maranatha, Lord!
