
No More Tears

It’s been sometime (almost 70 years) since the No More Tears Johnson's Baby Shampoo was launched. But it still is very much around today, with an even safer formulation.  

As an ad gal for over 20 years, I marveled at the impact of the No More Tears slogan, which had become a benchmark for advertising campaigns.  

My babies are all grown up and my taste in shampoos has changed. But I distinctly remember the slogan today after listening to the live-streamed message of our pastor. 

For about three months now, his messages have been focused on Revelation, the last book of the New Testament. 

It’s an extremely difficult book for me to understand as it is allegorical, symbolic, metaphorical and emblematic all at the same time. I could write thousands of blogs about it and still would not be able to cover the breadth and depth of what the Lord is telling us about the end times.  

Even Bible scholars are divided in their interpretation of the last days. My readings of commentaries over the years have not given me a clear picture of what to expect—not with my limited imagination and wisdom. 

But one thing is so simple in my heart and mind: Those who believe in the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ will be protected all through the great tribulation—where the worst, never-before-felt pain and terror, will throw mankind into panic, anguish, and hysteria. 

His children will come out of the great ordeal safely to be with Him. And there will be no more tears. 


  1. Just passing through. That’s what We need to remind ourselves always. What comfort God’s Word brings. No more tears! When we see Him face to face!

  2. The great tribulation is upon us. But the happy ending will erase it all.

  3. Life is short but God is good!

  4. Life is short but God is good!

  5. I have to keep saying that to myself, Vie--to remind me that we can be gone in the blink of an eye.

  6. We're even nearer now to His soon great trumpet call.

  7. One of my favorite bible verses.. Moves me to tears each time.. Always a strong reminder of how God can and will turn all our mourning into dancing... In His time.

  8. Definitely a blessed consolation to us all. This pandemic more than ever has made me pray over and over, Lord please hasten your coming, excitedly looking forward to the time when God will rescue us all and usher us into His kingdom.

  9. Bez, that's my earnest and ardent prayer, too. Warm regards to you and Al.
