
Peace Lily

A plant mom I am not, so I don’t qualify as a plantita. This post is only about one plant, which caught my eye while staying home all hours of the day and night, 11 months now, and counting.   

“Wow, what stunning white flowers!” I exclaimed when I saw them blooming, contrasting with their dark green foliage, from about five flower pots.      

“We had one pot that bloomed now and then for the longest time,” Tony retorted. 

We did? I thought. I never noticed it. 

“How come there are so many of them?” I asked. 

Mother Teresa (a true-blue plantita), who was pruning the tree nearby replied, “I planted the new sprouts in several pots and now they are all blooming!” 

“What’s it called?” I asked, feeling like an alien that just landed on earth.  

“Peace Lily,” she said. 

Peace Lily! I’ve always loved and captured on canvas Calla Lilly. I didn’t know there was another lily that is just as interesting! I ran to my laptop and looked it up.  

There are several legends on how the name came about, but here are those that make the most sense to me. Peace comes from the Greek words spath (spoon) and phyl (leaves). 

It is known as a bringer of peace. The white spath represents a white flag which is internationally known as a truce signal. 

Peace Lily reminded me of God’s promise to Israel, when the nation had turned to worshiping idols, “I will be to Israel like a refreshing dew from heaven. It will blossom like the lily . . .” (Hosea 14:5 NIV) 

This is equally promised to us who have been showered with grace in Christ. For He chose us from the pit of sin so we could be saved, redeemed, glorified in Him.

We will blossom like the lily and shall have eternal peace!   

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