
This Must Be a Wow: 1,111,111

Before I take down this header, let me upload a screenshot of that lovely day this month when my blog site clocked the same number one, seven times! 

Surely (for me, at least), one million one hundred eleven thousand and one hundred eleven page hits in almost 15 years, coming from a page hit of only one (mine), is a wow.  

While I am delighted that I can document same-number page hits, I know that the next one (2,222,222) will no longer happen in my lifetime, unless there will come a sudden surge of traffic, which is unlikely.  That would be asking too much from the Giver of breath, Who has been extremely generous to underserving me. 

What 1,111,111 means is that I never found grace wanting. It comes with every post: the thought that sparked it, the words that put it together, and the strength to click on the keyboard with joy, joy, joy. 

It may be ironic to rejoice as our country is reeling from the worst economic downturn since 1947; still negotiating with pharmaceuticals for anti-Covid-19 vaccine while other countries have gone full-blast; trying to curtail our freedom through an impending anti-terrorism law; and experiencing widespread hunger and unemployment, fomented by abusive people in power.  

But I choose to keep the faith. 

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12 (ESV)  

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