
Virtual Book Launch (Part 1): Memories of Grace

My book launches were either held in a private venue or at the open-to-the public Manila International Book Fair. In both places, I had been privileged to chat with readers, hug them or shake their hands, sign their books, and pose in hundreds of photos with their mobile phones.   

Those images would later populate many walls on Facebook.

The pandemic stole those treasures away. My one and only book launch in 2020 was done virtually.  One other book launching was canceled due to unforeseen kinks.  

And so Memories of Grace (Devotions for your golden years), was virtually launched on 27 November. What replaced all of the precious moments above was a book review, which to me was a tribute, not so much to the author, but to the Source of all wisdom. 

That was unexpected grace.  

God sent this grace through someone steeped in communications: Nor Gonzales. OMF Lit's Yna Reyes  described Nor as both a reader and a writer, a communications professional on development issues and programs. She was a senior communications officer at the World Bank, and now teaches a graduate course in communications at the UP. 

Let me share with you her uplifting and heartwarming review, which affirms my resolve to keep writing till the sun sets on me.  

It is my great honor to give a review of the latest book of Grace Chong, one who has been truly using her retirement years to productive use.  With 60 published books, 6 Palanca awards, Gawad Balagtas Award, Samsung Kids Time Award, National Book awards, and Catholic Mass Media Awards, she has truly redefined the word “retirement”.  Based on her achievements, it seems that retirement now means more influence, more territories to cover, more work but of course, more fun! 

I am not sure what has made me earn the honor, except perhaps, that I belong to the target age group of her latest book.  

While I fit the profile of a potential reader of this devotional book, let me say outright that this devotional book is not for senior citizens only.  If you are a son, a daughter, a grandchild, a nephew or niece, an in-law, a student, or just a friend, you will find that many of the stories embedded in the devotionals are also about you as you relate to your parents, grandparents, uncles, aunties, teacher, neighbor, or friend of your parents or grandparents.  Well, if you have not been relating to anyone of them, then I think, YOU of all people, should read this book. 

There are three things that I like about the book.  

First, each page is short and sweet. The Bible verses are light, easy to read and easily connected to the story of the day.  Thanks to Grace’s flair for writing, everything is 300 words or less per page.  That must not be easy. Striving to be a writer myself, I know how it is to agonize to trim down your thoughts from a long draft to a few words. But Grace is like an excellent cook, she can put all the ingredients in one pot, in the right proportion, and make sure that nothing spills, even when the mix boils.  So off to the pot is the relevant story, the Word – sometimes embedded in the story or sometimes in a distinct paragraph, and then the reflection and prayer. 

(to be continued next post)   

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