
Couch Potato? Not!

"Couch potato” joined our idioms list in the 70s, when a man named Tom Iacino from California, USA, nonchalantly mentioned the phrase to his friend, Bob Armstrong, a cartoonist.   

Bob asked if he could use the phrase to describe his two inert and lazy cartoon characters who idled their time away watching TV. So there. 

That idiom was one of my greatest fears.  

I had just arrived from the US, where I finished degrees in communications and performing arts, to be Tony’s bride. After we settled into a cozy apartment unit, I was raring to put to use my degrees: communicate and perform! 

But Tony (this I did not expect) said, “No wife of mine is going to work.” He uttered words I don’t remember, but sounded like, “You be the homemaker and I be the bread winner.” 

A tyro wife does as told, so I was resolute in perfecting our home.


One day was unbelievably long. Even if I read a book or two, scrubbed the bathroom twice, did general cleaning daily, there was an aching vacuum for idleness. I stared at our new TV, and it stared back at me. “Oh, no, you don’t!” I warned both the idiot box and me. 

Ergo, I had no favorite TV show. My boob tube time was as long as the 6 o’clock news. A few shorts months later, however, before I could learn to cook, Tony saw through my feigned-martyrish look, relented, and allowed me to take on a corporate job . . . but I digress. 


The pandemic came, carting along more time than we will ever need, and upending even my toughest resolve. Well, I have not morphed into a full-time couch potato (thank heavens, I am surrounded with books and the will to write more). But. 

After supper, every night (every single night!), Tony, son #3, and I head to the master’s bedroom to watch, laugh, and enjoy several episodes of “Everybody Loves Raymond” before we call it a day. (Years back, during a rare simultaneous break, this was our favorite family fare, which everyone enjoyed. But that was short and sweet. Our busy routines resumed.)   

Busyness took on a new meaning and a new place while under quarantine: WFH (work from home). So wow, we're back to this fave—with a vengeance. Four to five spidodes per night! I have succumbed to being a part-time bed potato. 

This sitcom about an ordinary family with an extraordinary cast was a hit on American TV and it is again a hit for me! Aside from eliciting loud guffaws, the show's characters are certainly familiar:  overbearing mom-in-law, ornery dad-in law; laconic husband with a blob of an envious brother; narrow-eyed wife, and adorable kids. Stellar!

“Everybody Loves Raymond” was hailed by critics as well—62 nominations and 15 Emmys! 

To date, we have watched all episodes (including bloopers, deleted scenes, anniversary events, media interviews, all edits to promote the show) and now re-watching some, but the pandemic hurdles on, going beyond one year now. 

So this part-time bed potato badly needs another TV show for her after-supper idle hours. 

Among Tony’s still unopened DVD collection is the complete series of another multi-awarded and much-hailed old sitcom, “Frasier.”  



  1. Those are my two best sitcoms too. In fact, I could sit through second viewings, haha. I wish they had more of those today instead of the ones which peddle the LGBTQ and free lifestyle agenda. Haaaayyy, that's wishful thinking. We know it will get worse by the day, according to Jesus in Matthew.

  2. I am not really a TV person (I should be, becasue I came from advertising), but this sitcom is hilarous. My laughter wakes our dogs up. Hahaha!
