
Vaxxed but Taxed

“Any brand but Sinovac!” Tony scrawled on the Barangay form we filled up for our anti-Covid-19 vaccine. 

This has nothing to do with racism; his and my children's forebears are from China. 

We were alarmed because  our president has been ramming this brand down our throats, despite the FDA being cautious in using it for frontliners; despite people’s clamor for Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson; despite unpublished clinical trials. In fact, he kept repeating in his speeches that we are indebted to China for Sinovac; he personally went to welcome the shipments. 

Our alarm progressed to anxiety when the president chose to be inoculated with China's Sinopharm (smuggled; still unavailable; not FDA approved) over Sinovac. Why this was shrouded in secrecy and mystery was disturbing.       

Then the statement of our foreign Affairs secretary that the Covid-9 task force “dropped the ball” while negotiating with Pfizer increased our unease. We asked ourselves why our government officials are falling all over themselves to offer Sinovac. 

Tony informed his cardiologist that he’d wait for a brand other than Sinovac. 

She vehemently replied, “I am not comfortable with that!”

Son #2, a physician in the US, ordered, “Take what is available. Waiting is risky.” 

Strong, frightening words from two doctors.

So when the Barangay called us for our first jab, we hurried without knowing what brand awaited us. 

One guess: Sinovac. 

Never mind that weeks earlier FDA announced, "Not fit for seniors." Suddenly, the gods that be said it was OK—yet, again, why did the president, aged 76, eschew Sinovac in favor of Sinopharm?!  

The vaccination site was packed and hot. But the staff was helpful to our all-senior batch. Vaxxing took 4 hours—painfully long for hunchbacked oldies held up by canes and walkers.   

Exactly 21 days later, we were called for our 2nd jab. The crowd was bigger and the day was hotter. Every few seconds, we were asked to move to the next chair—sit and stand, stand and sit. 

The whole event taxed our patience, our strength, and our knees. Many growled in silence but some chose to chat—and how! They exchanged illness stories and lifted their face masks so they could be heard. 

Worse, there were initially two jabbers, but one left to attend a government seminar. What?! The only nurse left had to make a call before injecting me. “Ma’am,” she apologized, “I need help from the head office. I can’t do this alone till 3 PM.”

After the painless prick on my arm, I prayed and thanked God, “Grace it is! Thank you!”   

“You’re welcome po," the jabber replied, “but my name is Vivian." 

Our clothes now soaking in sweat, our joints crying “enough!” and our eyes tearing up from the glare, we walked—limped, rather—out of there. 

All told, we were victoriously vaxxed, but thoroughly taxed.

* * * * *

Addendum: Two weeks after our second jab, today (June 2, 2021), WHO approved Sinovac as one of the brands that may be administered in the vaccination drive. Whew!  

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