
Where is Heaven?

Whenever a kid asks me this question, usually in my book talks, I always remember my late big boss whom I preferred to call Mr. Sev, but known in the office as SCA.  

Mr. Sev didn't care where he sat in meetings. He would go to any chair. So when we pointed to the head table, which was his rightful place, he would retort, "Where I sit is the head table." 


That's how I reply to the question, "Where is heaven?" 

"Heaven is where Jesus is." 

The Bible tells us that it is a place, but not some immovable address as we know it—north, east, west, or south in a land far away. It is the place where Jesus is. Period.

And in that place, "righteousness is at home . . ." (2 Peter 3:13) Jesus calls heaven, "My Father's House." (John 14:1-3) 

But those are too abstract for children to understand. So I try to make it more concrete, "In Jesus' dwelling place, everyone is happy, a friend of everybody, and loved by all. Everything is beautiful." 

"No bullies?" 

"Bullies don't live there. No cursing, no fighting, no shaming, no crying, no name-calling, no blaming, and no dying exist in that perfect place."  

The conversation goes on and on. In the end, they chorus: 

"Oooh, I want to live there!" 

Those who believe in and have accepted Jesus as his/her Lord and Master will definitely live there, all because of His saving grace   

So where is heaven? 

In Revelation 21:1-5 (the Message), John wrote: 

"I saw Heaven and earth new-created. Gone the first Heaven, gone the first earth, gone the sea.

"I saw Holy Jerusalem, new-created, descending resplendent out of Heaven, as ready for God as a bride for her husband.

"I heard a voice thunder from the Throne: 'Look! Look! God has moved into the neighborhood, making his home with men and women! They’re his people, he’s their God. He’ll wipe every tear from their eyes. Death is gone for good—tears gone, crying gone, pain gone—all the first order of things gone.' The Enthroned continued, 'Look! I’m making everything new. Write it all down—each word dependable and accurate.'”

When is this going to happen? 

Nobody knows. What we do know, by faith, is that it will happen—and (my personal wish) soon. 

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