
Happened by Happenstance

It was by happenstance that I came across happenstance early in the morning. I don’t usually use it. The word I choose is either coincidence or accident because they are shorter.  

While solving the Jumble Words, one of my favorite anti-depressants, in one of the newspapers (which Tony buys for their puzzles, primarily, and for the news and editorials, secondarily) happenstance jumped at me. 

At first, my mind refused to form the word from the alphabets I had. No matter how much I tried to rearrange them (anagramizing is fun!), there was no other word but that. 

As an advocate for short words and short sentences in writing workshops, I usually stress, “If you find several synonyms for a word, try to use the shortest one.” What I don’t verbalize is, Think short, until words become like a second skin; only then should you dare write long sentences that hit the right notes.” Hence, my ambivalence in using happenstance

Ironically, long (prolonged, is more like it) has been the word that describes our pandemic life. It’s been over 500 days since seniors were locked down. 

It’s been that long since I had a haircut in a salon, a leisurely shopping day, a date with my girl friends, and a lazy afternoon in a coffee shop reading books with Tony. It’s been that long since I taught in a classroom, worshipped with faith brethren inside our church.

Ironically, again, the long 500-plus-day quarantine, which many have found off-footing, has actually been a looong grace period for discovering and reflecting on new wonderful things at home, most of which are recorded in uploaded and scheduled-for-upload blogs, or in a new book, to be launched hopefully within the year.  

This long stretch of grace did not happen by happenstance (there, I used the word!). My chronological Bible, which occupies my daily quiet time, affirmed the constant presence of God’s Spirit, whatever the circumstance (that’s the cousin of happenstance).    

“I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence!” (Psalm 139:7 NLT)

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